Sean and I have a new weapon in our arsenal to fight fat.
Just Dance 2 for the Wii.
Neither Sean or I are dancers. I have some limited experience with jazz, tap, and choreography due to my involvement with musical theater, but Sean and I are neck and neck in a few of the songs.
The key is WHOLE BODY MOVEMENT. I honestly don't think you could excel at this or get any decent kind of score without doing a quite a bit of movement. "Jump Jump", "Rasputin", and "Body Movin'" are the best sweats we've discovered so far (but all of them will be stuck in your head too). "Hotsteppah'" is another fav and their techno dances require skill to get some of the robot-like movements down pat.
Check out promos and dances by players on Youtube.
Plenty of progress this week!
Hopefully more to come!
I love Just Dance 1 but because I can't jump it's very limited for me. I have pretty much gone as far as I can with it but I don't think I'm ready to shell out the bucks for the next one. Hopefully when I've lost a bit more I can get into the more vigorous dances :) Thanks for the review